Access for Strabismus

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Soft hand painted decentered prosthetic contact lenses for STRABISMUS
Total or partial leucoma, iris coloboma or aniridia, white pupil, heterochromia in presence of strabismic eye position
Available parameters:
Base curves: 8.40 – 10.60 in 0.10 steps (usual 8.80)
Diameter: 17.00 mm
Sphere: -25.00 to +20.00 D
Cylinder: -0.50 to –7.00 D in 0.25 D steps
Iris diameters: 11.0 – 13.50 in 0.50 mm steps
Pupil diameters (transparent or black): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mm
Colour: According to digital photo (from 35-40 cm distance, with flash, both eyes)
Eye colour masking: White opaque behind the colour

Smart Fitting Set and the use of the special calibration ruler, is essential for the order of ACCESS prosthetic lenses, which are provided by EYEART Laboratories. 

Download product brochure and fitting guide
Download ACCESS prosthetic SMART FITTING SET user guide